7 Days A Week

With the help of 7 different photographers the authors work as a photographer himself/herself/itself is fundamentally questioned. Each individual artist was asked to portrait the author in one of his/her/its outfits with the authors own camera to investigate the photographers position to the subject and technologies used.

This project is a collaboration with the artists Marc Brinkmeier, Juliane Eirich, Kwon Ji Hyeon, Jakob Hof, Claudia Neuhaus and Rayan Hassan and photographed in 2011.

by das Schmott by das Schmott

by Rayan Hassan by Rayan Hassan

by Marc Brinkmeier by Marc Brinkmeier

by Juliane Eirich by Juliane Eirich

by Kwon Ji Hyeon by Kwon Ji Hyeon

by Jakob Hoff by Jakob Hoff

by Claudia Neuhaus by Claudia Neuhaus