“Affirmations” is an audiovisual performance by the Vienna Struggle Drone Choir, Bernhard Hammer, and Mandy Mozart. Based on the song “Roar Little Kitty” (Hammer/Mozart 2019, Bay of Pigs, Cuba), the “Vienna Struggle Drone Choir,” consisting of Patrizia Ruthensteiner, Christine Gnigler, and Alexandra Feusi, developed three compositions. These work with participatory game instructions in which polyphonic and homophonic drones and clusters alternate with each other.
Before the event, visitors were encouraged to submit their favorite affirmations. With the help of AI, these were illustrated into cat themed Tarot cards and became part of the performance and composition.
Thus, in gospel-like polyphony, collectivist-political slogans compete with extremely atomized-individualized life designs. This tension is the focus of the piece “Affirmations”.
The central figure is a “Paik Nam June”-like projection in which a cat-Buddha and a hedonistic pope face each other and seemingly discuss their role distribution in our post-digital plurality.
The title “Affirmations” refers to a current neo-liberal social media phenomenon, in which positivistic affirmations – that is, positive beliefs – are intended to reinforce personal perseverance and individuality.
Composition: Bernhard Hammer, Mandy Mozart
Arrangement: Patrizia Ruthensteiner, Bernhard Hammer, Mandy Mozart
Singers: Julia Edthofer, Bernhard Hammer, Kerstin Hruza, Julian Hruza, Mandy Mozart, Karolina Preuschl, Patrizia Ruthensteiner
Video Animation/Illustrations: Mandy Mozart
Photos: Thomas B. Dalby
Producer: Eva Perner
12-7-2023 (Premiere)
Westbahnstudios, Vienna

Look, we turned your submissions into chants and tarot cards!