Pocket Preacher a poetic music and performance project of god-like creatures trapped between the digital and the earthly.
The first rendition is about a character called ‘cat pope’.
This page showcases the work in progress and is intended to help you puzzle together the pieces and see the vision. Perhaps it may even convince you to join the project and make it succeed.
Westbahnstudios, Vienna
MotionLab, Berlin
Humboldthain Sommerbad, Berlin
Schmiede, Hallein
- No He Said Mandy Mozart 6:24
- Cloud Mandy Mozart 5:54
- Roar Little Kitty Mandy Mozart 6:20
- Like A Baby Mandy Mozart 8:32
- Fancy Shiny Dragon Mandy Mozart 4:13
“Season 1: Awakening”
Is a graphic novel produced in collaboration with primarily with photographer Thomas Dalby and visual artist Tatjana Stürmer. It is the holy bible, so to speak for the narrative of the project. It’s visual story telling is playground and foundation for all songs, performances and the live events identity. Download PDF for Preview
The final product will be sold as a virtual graphic novel on www.pocketpreacher.com (under construction, do not publish) and paper bag print edition.
The following video material is gathered and experimented with for potential music video and video installation work. Video plays a crucial role in the world building.
A theme video for the first season was recorded on April 17th – 19th 2024 for the Song “Roar Little Kitty” with the help of Tatjana Stuermer, Lukas Rehm, Una Ryu, Patrizia Ruthensteiner, Thomas Dalby and Bernhard Hammer.
Roar Little Kitty
Transformation to cat pope.
Sommer 2023 Promo
Clips from the Demo Tour.
I Want To Be A Cloud
Game mood test.
Live @ Megaworld
Exploration of immersive Live Performance with VJ Fader
Bells (performance installation)
This is a demo of the prototype of spatial sound installation and performance device “bells”.
Iterations of “bell” will include fog-machine and a platform for performer(s).
It is intended for drone choir and solo performer.
The work relies heavily on these people that accompany my artistic career and without them creating a world like this would be impossible. I thank them with all my heart and wish them health and a long life. For we shall get funded and continue our quest.
Otto Oscar Hernandez Ruiz, Kiki Hitomi, Lukas Rehm, Lola Rossi, VJ Fader, Lena Monsterfrau, Thomas B. Dalby, Patrizia Ruthensteiner, Alexandra Feusi, Christine Gnigler, Ludwig Giersch, Awu Li, Nico Daleman
Dezember 2024
Release Graphic Novel
October 2024
Choir Recording, Post Production
April – July 2024
Artist in Residence 108 at Westbahnstudios
August/November 2023
Continuation of Demo Tour through Croatia, Poland, Germany, Austria and Denmark.
April – Dezember 2022
Foundation of Vienna Struggle Drone Choir to perform “Roar Little Kitty” Affirmations at Westbahnstudios
September 2020
Cuba, Begin song writing with Bernhard Hammer